Coffee & Chocolate Milk Exhibitions and Awards

Coffee & Chocolate Milk is an ongoing personal project that documents the marriage life of Kun-I and Shih-Wen. Using monkey and rabbit figures as their avatars, the project recreates their daily life through various mediums including photography, clay sculpting, illustration and animation. For more detail about the project please click here.

The project was invited to two exhibitions, curated by Holly’s hearts by hand and Founders workspace in Brooklyn, New York. In 2017, it’s website won two Webby Awards, Best Personal Blog and People Voice Winner. Coffee & Chocolate Milk is the inspiration project for Kun-I and Shih-Wen to start Space Rabbit Studio in 2018.

Coffee & Chocolate Milk Exhibitions and Awards

Holly’s Heart By Hands (2016)

A sip of happiness solo Exhibition

Founders Workspace (2017)

Webby Awards

Webby Award Winner & People’s Choice Award Winner (2017)