Custom Toy Group Shows

We are very honored to be invited to create custom toys by Galleries for different themed exhibitions. We love the challenges of creating one of a kind designs for different themes and causes. It’s also very inspiring to see what our fellow designer artists have created from the same theme.


Stormyvault (2023)

We are very excited to have an exclusive Space Rabbit at @phtoycon with @stormyvault ! This Cosmic Explorer Space Rabbit is going to explore the beautiful Philippine!

2 cute to compute 2

Mothership Gallery (2023)

@mothershiptoygallery invited us to be part of 2 cute 2 compute 2 group exhibition. in April 2023.

We wanted to take our beloved Space Rabbit to the next level of cuteness, so we decided to pack in a ton of adorable details this time around. Hoping it makes him even more irresistible!

Cash Rules Everything Around Me

Clutter Magazine (2023)

Our first group show of the 2023 was  titled ‘Cash Rules Everything Around Me” curated by @cluttermagazine
It’s quite fun to draw on the real bills, and yeah we did waste a few bucks for explorations!😅💸💸

Rainbow sparkle IV, V, VI

Clutter Magazine (2020,2021,2022)

Rainbow Sparkle is a custom toy design show curated by Clutter Gallery. It gives the opportunity for each artist to work within the means of their allocated color. Each artist in the show is given a color and all the designs will be displayed together as a big rainbow!

Giftwrapped show at Clutter Gallery

Clutter Magazine (2020,2021,2022)

Clutter gallery curated the Giftwrapped show at the end of each year and we were invited to contribute one custom design for it. There is no limitation of creativity and it’s amazing to see all varieties of designs together. A great way to celebrate before the break!

Stormyvault Nostalgic Show

Stormyvault (2022)

Stormyvault invited us to be part of their 2022 nostalgic show, there are so many things we love from the 80s and 90s so it’s a bit difficult to choose one for the show at the beginning, but we eventually decided to pick everyone’s favorite show in the 90s, what do you think, friends?